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Bloom Energy Corp 保险箱装礼金

Bloo 保险箱装礼金m Energy Corp- 保险箱装礼金a公司介绍
证券代码: BE 上市板: 主板
证券名称: Bloom Energy Corp-A 上市场所: 纽约证券交易所
证券类型: 普通股 发行方式: 公开发售
保险箱装礼金首发上市日: 2018/07/25 首发价格(元): 15
首发数量(股): 18,000,000 首发募资总额(USD/元): 270,000,000.00
Bloom Energy Corp-A基本资料
公司名称: Bloom Energy Corporat 保险箱装礼金ion 注册地址: 美国特拉华州
证券名称: Bloom Energy Corp-A 上市场所: 纽约证券交易所
办公地址: 1299 Orleans Drive, Sunnyvale, California, USA
董事会主席: - 成立日期: 2001/01/18
公司属地: United States 美国 电话: +1 (408) 543-1500
公司网址: www.bloomenergy.com
公司介绍: Bloom Energy Corporation was founded in 2001 with a mission is to make clean, reliable, and affordable energy for everyone in the world. To fulfill this mission, it have developed a distributed, on-site electric power solution that is redefining the $2.4 trillion electric power market and transforming how power is generated and delivered. The commercial and industrial (C&I) segments are its initial focus. Its solution, the Bloom Energy Server, is a stationary power generation platform built for the digital age and capable of delivering highly reliable, uninterrupted, 24x7 constant (or base load) power that is also clean and sustainable. The Bloom Energy Server converts standard low-pressure natural gas or biogas into electricity through an electrochemical process without combustion, resulting in very high conversion efficiencies and lower harmful emissions than conventional fossil fuel generation. A typical configuration produces 250 kilowatts of power in a footprint roughly equivalent to that of half of a standard 30 foot shipping container, or approximately 125 times more space-efficient than solar power generation. 250 kilowatts of power is roughly equivalent to the constant power requirement of a typical big box retail store. Any number of these Energy Server systems can be clustered together in various configurations to form solutions from hundreds of kilowatts to many tens of megawatts. Some of its largest customers are AT&T, Caltech, Delmarva Power & Light Company, Equinix, The Home Depot, Kaiser Permanente and The Wonderful Company. It also work actively with financing partners, such as The Southern Company, that purchase its systems that are deployed at end customers’ facilities in order to provide the electricity as a service.


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