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BrightSph 银行借记卡是什么ere Investment Group p公司介绍
证券代码: BSA 上市板: 银行借记卡是什么 银行借记卡是什么-
证券名称: BrightSphere Investment Group p 上市场所: 纽约证券交易所
证券类型: - 发行方式: -
首发上市日: 2016/08/19 首发价格(元): -
首发数量(股): - 首发募资总额(USD/元): -
BrightSphere Investment Group p基本资料
公司名称: BrightSphere Investment Group plc 注册地址: 英国英格兰和威尔士
证券名称: BrightSphere Investment Group p 上市场所: 纽约证券交易所
办公地址: Ground Floor, Millennium Bridge House, 2 Lambeth Hill, London, United Kingdom
董事会主席: - 成立日期: 2014/05/29
公司属地: United Kingdom 英国 电话: +44 (20) 7002-7000
公司网址: www.bsig.com
公司介绍: BrightSphere Investment Group plc is a global, multi-boutique asset management company. Its diverse portfolio of asset managers serves institutional investors around the world, with $258.8 billion in assets under management as of 6/30/2017. Its business model combines the investment talent, entrepreneurialism and creativity of leading asset management boutiques with the resources and capabilities of a global firm. Its partnership structure ensures that its Affiliates retain meaningful equity ownership and profit interests in their own firms, and preserves the unique cultures that have made them successful. It works closely with its Affiliates to execute growth opportunities in areas such as expansion of their businesses, development of new products and global distribution. It seeks to generate growth through partnerships with additional investment boutiques that can provide products and services to a global institutional clientele, enhance its growth potential and diversify its earnings.


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